Shearwater Journeys, P.O. Box 190, Hollister, CA 95024 USA Phone: 831-637-8527
copyright 2003 Shearwater Journeys

STREAKED SHEARWATER, Calonectris leucomelos

This series of photographs was taken on the August 17th 2002 Shearwater Journeys pelagic trip, six miles from Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, Northern California. Photos courtesy of Brian Sullivan, copyright 2002. May not be used without written permission from photographer.

Streaked Shearwater in flight copyright Brian Sullivan 2002

Streaked Shearwater copyright Brian Sullivan 2002

Streaked Shearwater on water by Brian Sullivan 2002

Streaked Shearwater copyright Bryan Sullivan 2002

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This information may not be reused, rewritten or incorporated into any research projects without prior written consent of Shearwater Journeys.
Xantus' Murrelet by Keith Hansen Goto Reserve a TripClick on the murrelet to find out how to reserve a trip.
Goto top Feather by Keith Hansen